Untersuchungen zur Agrarstruktur indianischer Gemeinden in der chilenischen Araucanía (IX. Region)


  • Ursula Friebel W.




Indians, agricultural structure, agricultural geography, Chile


It is the purpose of this work to describe the characteristics of the agrarian structure, use and possession of the land of three Mapuche communities that typify the communities of the intermediate depression of the LX Region. We found Mapuche reductions in the provinces of Bio Bio, Arauco, Malleco, Cautin, Valdivia, Osorno and Llanquihue in our country, with the highest population concentration in Malleco and Cautin (LX Region). Approximately 200,000 Mapuche from the LX Region live on 354,813 hectares. In order to appreciate geographically the distribution of the communities, a 1:500,000 map of the LX Region was made, based on the historical map of Bologne of 1:100,000. A second stage involved the preparation of a letter from the Commune of Temuco (1:250,000) specifying divided and undivided Mapuche communities. Three communities 9 km were later chosen. to S.de Temuco with a total area of 258 Has. to carry out the investigation. Maps of 1:10,000 were drawn up from this sector with the purpose of mapping land tenure and finally its agricultural use. 120 field trips, many hours of interviews and application of surveys, mapping and photographic work, field observation,18 chronological hours of recording allowed to form a clear vision of the characteristics of land tenure and use in the studied communities, their potential and real production systems, the characteristics of the population, their limitations and hopes. The author thanks all the people and institutions that collaborated in her study, and that allowed her to envision a world where survival is determined by self-subsistence and self-sufficiency, which can only be achieved through the educational and technological support of a generous majority society.




How to Cite

Friebel W., U. (1983). Untersuchungen zur Agrarstruktur indianischer Gemeinden in der chilenischen Araucanía (IX. Region). ERDKUNDE, 37(1), 47–59. https://doi.org/10.3112/erdkunde.1983.01.05


