Die geomorphologische Kartierung 1:25 000 des Blattes Mössingen (Raum Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg). Ein Disskusionsbeitrag zum GMK-Projekt


  • Hartmut Leser




cartography, mapping, Germany, Baden-Wuerttemberg, geomorphology


The article deals with two versions of the Mossingen sheet mapped at different times. The first version was carried out according to the KUGLER method and before the start of the GHK core programme of the German Research Council (DFG), the second within the context of the GMK project as part of the sample sheet catalogue of the GMK 25 BRD. The second version is based on the green legend, which had played a part the working-up of experiences gained through geomorphological mapping in the international field. Due to the strong geomorphological weighting of the green legend, the two versions do not differ in principle in so far as content is concerned. Graphically, but not as far as content is concerned, the second version is dominated by these process fields which are represented in colour. The final part of the paper applies itself to discussion of aspects of evaluation and application resulting from the two versions of the map. In this context the problem of the principle of evaluation of geomorphological maps for practical purposes is also gone into. The extensive list of literature which has been cited is intended to document the state of geomorphological mapping in the German Federal Republic, and to permit the following-up of some problems which are only indicated here.




How to Cite

Leser, H. (1983). Die geomorphologische Kartierung 1:25 000 des Blattes Mössingen (Raum Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg). Ein Disskusionsbeitrag zum GMK-Projekt. ERDKUNDE, 37(4), 249–258. https://doi.org/10.3112/erdkunde.1983.04.01


