Die Südostanatolien-Projekt. Grundlagen und Ziele eines integrierten Entwicklungsprojektes in der Türkei


  • Helmuth Toepfer




Tigris, Turkey, dams, Euphrates, GAP, hydroelectricity, South-east Anatolia Project


The South-east Anatolia Project (GAP) has been set up against the background of rapid population increase and pronounced west-to-east development gradient between parts of Turkey (chap.1a.2). The principal idea behind the development scenario was the creation of a regional surplus in the agricultural production of the GAP Region which would attract industries specializing in the processing of agricultural produce and, in turn, lead to further industrialization. Hydro-energy provided by the hitherto only partially harnessed Euphrates and Tigris is to be utilized for this, whilst the water collected by the dam will irrigate the agriculturally-utilized areas. The GAP includes 13 sub-projects, which are to irrigate an area of 1,641,282 ha and to set up hydro-electric power stations with a potential capacity of 7,561 megawatts (MW) per year (chap. 3 a. 4). Since some of the extensive construction work that is transforming the area has made considerable progress, time is short for finding solutions to a number of problems which are linked to the realisation of the GAP (chap. 5).




How to Cite

Toepfer, H. (1989). Die Südostanatolien-Projekt. Grundlagen und Ziele eines integrierten Entwicklungsprojektes in der Türkei. ERDKUNDE, 43(4), 293–299. https://doi.org/10.3112/erdkunde.1989.04.06



Notes and Records