Peer review policy

The journal Notas de Antropología de las Américas is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic quality and integrity. It employs a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure the publication of original, well-researched, and impactful scholarship in anthropology and related disciplines.


1. Scope of review


All submissions undergo peer review to evaluate:

  • Relevance to the journal’s thematic focus on the Americas.

  • Originality and significance of the research.

  • Methodological rigor and adherence to disciplinary standards.

  • Clarity, coherence, and quality of writing.


2. Review Process


Initial Screening

  • The Editorial Team first reviews submissions to ensure compliance with the journal’s scope, ethical standards, and formatting guidelines.

  • Manuscripts that fail to meet basic requirements are returned to the authors with feedback or rejected without peer review.


Peer review

  • Manuscripts passing the initial screening are assigned to two independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field.

  • The double-blind process ensures that neither authors nor reviewers know each other’s identities.


Review Criteria


Reviewers assess submissions based on the following:

1. Originality: Contribution to advancing the field of anthropology or related disciplines.

2. Relevance: Alignment with the journal’s focus on the Americas.

3. Argumentation: Logical flow and strength of arguments.

4. Methodology: Appropriateness and rigor of research methods.

5. Sources and References: Use of credible and relevant sources.


Reviewer recommendations


Reviewers provide one of the following recommendations:

  • Accept with no revisions.

  • Minor revisions are required.

  • Major revisions are required.

  • Reject.


3. Decision-Making

  • The Editorial Team considers reviewers’ feedback to make a final decision.

  • Authors receive detailed comments and suggestions from reviewers to guide revisions (if apply).

  • Resubmitted manuscripts are subject to further review as needed.


4. Confidentiality and ethical standards

  • All materials under review are treated as confidential and not shared outside the review process.

  • The journal follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines to ensure the ethical handling of manuscripts.


5. Appeals


Authors may appeal editorial decisions by submitting a detailed explanation of their concerns. Appeals are reviewed by the Editorial Team, whose decision is final.


6. Timeline


The typical review process takes approximately 8–12 weeks from submission to decision. Delays may occur due to reviewer availability or the complexity of revisions.


The journal Notas de Antropología de las Américas remains dedicated to providing a transparent, fair, and constructive peer review experience, ensuring the highest academic standards for published research.